Table of Contents
- 1. 总结
- 1.1. DONE 实现标准化zeek-nix build system
- 1.2. DONE 对ELK zeek kafka spark等大数据基础设施 进行devops化架构实现完成
- 1.3. DONE demo hardenedlinux-zeek-scripts 维护
- 1.4. DONE 高灵活hunting-lab Jupyter analysis environfemnt
- 1.5. DONE 实现流程基于nix sandboxing CI 测试流程
- 1.6. DONE nixpkgs-hardenedlinux剥离维护若干社区用到的安全组件依赖,hardenedlinux为第一maintainer
- 1.7. DONE 对NSM各个组件进行标准化加固,部署编写
- 2. 2020
- 2.1. Oct
- 2.2. Sep
- 2.3. Aug
- 2.4. July
- 2.5. Jun
- 2.6. May
- 2.6.1. ✔ DONE New feature: NSM jupyter extensions and generated kernals
- 2.6.2. ✔ DONE Bump NSM package and fix CI test
- 2.6.3. ✔ DONE using Hydra CI test for some projects.
- 2.6.4. ✔ DONE ELK for Zeek test done
- 2.6.5. ✔ DONE 添加 logstash Kibana 的 nix modules
- 2.6.6. ✔ DONE 添加 hydra 进一步完成 debian nix 生态
- 2.6.7. ✔ DONE 自动化部署 the hive 测试
- 2.7. April
- 2.8. March
- 2.9. Feb
- 2.10. Jan
- 3. 2019
- 4. 2018
- 5. Project
======>>> Read Doc Format 格式
1 总结
1.1 DONE 实现标准化zeek-nix build system
1.2 DONE 对ELK zeek kafka spark等大数据基础设施 进行devops化架构实现完成
1.3 DONE demo hardenedlinux-zeek-scripts 维护
1.4 DONE 高灵活hunting-lab Jupyter analysis environfemnt
1.5 DONE 实现流程基于nix sandboxing CI 测试流程
1.6 DONE nixpkgs-hardenedlinux剥离维护若干社区用到的安全组件依赖,hardenedlinux为第一maintainer
1.7 DONE 对NSM各个组件进行标准化加固,部署编写
2 2020
2.1 Oct
2.1.1 DONE new repo Zeek-nix 修复 bug 多版本测试增加 CI
2.1.2 DONE 更新 flake 到 zeek-nix
2.1.3 DONE nix-fpm-multiuser 修复 deb rpm 打包发布 nix 3.0pre
2.1.4 DONE 解析zeek script to zeek-flake
2.1.5 DONE 完成(release)zeek-nix flake结构以及特性
2.2 Sep
2.2.1 DONE 重构 debian-home-manager
2.2.2 DONE 修复 pre-systemd 命令到 pre-run,systemd 不再获取任何 sudo 权限到 dir
2.2.3 DONE git-crypt GPG 搭建
2.2.4 DONE pkgs 修复 vast 且更新
2.2.5 DONE 增加 flakes 特性到 nixpkgs-har debian-home-manager
2.3 Aug
2.3.1 ✔ DONE Update nixpkgs
2.3.2 ⚔ INPROCESS pre-spicy scripts repo
2.3.3 ✔ DONE replace systemd-prestart script to checkTarget (Runtime shell)
2.3.4 ✔ DONE 修复部分 Pkgs 测试
2.3.5 ✔ DONE 生成 依赖 DAG 图更新在文档中
2.3.6 ✔ DONE 修复分类 hydra CI jobs
2.3.7 ⚔ INPROCESS Issue -> clang mode spciy
2.4 July
2.4.1 ✔ DONE 解决 zeek spicy pkgs
2.4.2 ✔ DONE 重构 hardenedlinux-nixpkgs 仓库作为 Lib
2.4.3 ✔ DONE 重构 debian-home-manager 更加灵活,可调
2.4.4 ⚔ INPROCESS 测试 osquery 整体架构配置
2.4.5 ✔ DONE 完成整体的架构和 zeek script 的测试,增加更加灵活的适用和配置
2.5 Jun
2.5.1 ✔ DONE Using Json list to bump up plugin of Zeek
2.5.2 ✔ DONE adding Zeek’s Module for Nix home-manager. Deploy it!
2.5.3 ✔ DONE fix zeekctl options
2.5.4 ✔ DONE enrich debian module’s deployment
password list
- [X]=machines resource
2.5.5 ⚔ INPROCESS reorg NSM-data-analysys repo as Lib
2.6 May
2.6.1 ✔ DONE New feature: NSM jupyter extensions and generated kernals
2.6.2 ✔ DONE Bump NSM package and fix CI test
2.6.3 ✔ DONE using Hydra CI test for some projects.
2.6.4 ✔ DONE ELK for Zeek test done
2.6.5 ✔ DONE 添加 logstash Kibana 的 nix modules
2.6.6 ✔ DONE 添加 hydra 进一步完成 debian nix 生态
2.6.7 ✔ DONE 自动化部署 the hive 测试
2.7 April
2.7.1 ✔ DONE 初步添加 home-manager 在 debian 下的运行情况
2.7.2 ✔ DONE Ops Zeek
2.7.3 ✔ DONE Ops elastic
2.7.4 ✔ DONE Ops vast
2.7.5 ✔ DONE Ops osquery
2.7.6 ✔ DONE 初步 dropbox mysql posql service 在 debian 下统一管理
2.8 March
2.8.1 ✔ DONE 修复添加 nix 若干包
2.8.2 ✔ DONE 解决 julia 1.11-1.3
2.8.3 ✔ DONE 解决 zeek 3.0.2 duplicate files
2.8.4 ✔ DONE 完善 nix 在 debian 的运行和测试
2.8.5 ✔ DONE 添加测试部分 tor 的日志测试和工具
2.9 Feb
2.9.1 ✔ DONE 标准化 NSM analysis repo code
2.9.2 ✔ DONE 分类和实现部署 R julua 在 NSM repo
2.9.3 ✔ DONE 完成初步测试 Debian 下 NIX 部署的问题
2.9.4 ✔ DONE 初步二次解析 zeek Tor log
2.10 Jan
2.10.1 ✔ DONE 迁移部分安全软件到 nix
2.10.2 ✔ DONE 测试以及编写 nix 表达式
3 2019
3.1 Dec
- ⚔ INPROCESS 将常用的实践化的 command 写成 pet 的 snippet 并且长期维护
- parse zeek log based on articls or PPT pet zeek parse
[[snippets]] description = "zeek-log:cut zeek log" command = "cat <log> | zeek-cut <field>" output = ""
- import zeek Logs with Vast query language zeek Vast
[[snippets]] description = "zeek|vast: import zeek logs to vast" command = "zcat <ZeekLogsPath/*.log.gz | vast import zeek output = ""
- parse zeek log based on articls or PPT pet zeek parse
- 迁移测试 enrich 测试数据在 hardenedlinux/NSM-data-analysis 为测试人员提供快速和标准的环境
- ⚔ INPROCESS 分析细化打标签,细化工作 check list 为 2020 英语公开进度文档流程做准备
- ⚔ INPROCESS 为新准备简单快速的文档和实践分析初步
3.2 Nov
- ⚔ INPROCESS 根据 SIEM 仓库已有的信息初步将 zeek script 分类 parse SIME Visualization
- 初步学习 open Source SIEM SIME Learn
- ✔ DONE 更新 zeek 分析环境逐渐测试 Debian nix 下能够运行。beagle 完成测试,成功 debian 运行 zeek Tools Visualization
- ✔ DONE 将小部分标准化威胁 feed 设定 zeek Intel
- ✔ DONE 分类 pcap 在 kafka 下进行测试 json 格式,上传在 github 作为公共分析资料,用 vast 作为 zeek format 和 json 解析查询。 vast parse
- ✔ DONE 根据以前文章和 script 在 Tor 进行实践发现问题 zeek analyzer Tor
3.3 Oct
3.4 Sep
- ✔ DONE update VT_HASH & known_hash
- State “ ✔ DONE” from
- add file_types in known_hash
- add postgre_sql(double detect_loop) VT_list in VT_HASH
- update jdbc VT_HASH
- parsing Logstash config file
- conn
- dns
- http
- ✔ DONE remove LOgs –> NSM data analysis/ and update NSM data env
- State “ ✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE test zeek script & report bugs. update Debian/profile Repo
- State “ ✔ DONE” from
zeek 3.0 test done!
3.5 Aug
3.6 July
3.7 Jun
3.8 May
3.9 April
3.10 March
- ✔ DONE 修复已经删除部分 zeek/bro 代码问题
- State “ ✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 更新 intel 和补全基础 intel 问题
- State “ ✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE Zeek Intel to OSINT framework 初步测试
- State “ ✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 对 NSM data analysis 的测试日志和分化步骤的初步测试
- State “ ✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 添加以及测试小部分公开的 Osquery secure conf
- State “ ✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 初步学习 spark 基于 bat 的测试初步的分析从 zeek 接口提取分析
- State “ ✔ DONE” from
3.11 Feb
4 2018
4.1 Dec
- ✔ DONE 对以往的
任务进行复查到 done 和冗余筛除
- State “✔ DONE” from “⚔ STARTED”
- ⚔ STARTED 实践 UHH-ISS/honeygrove: A multi-purpose modular honeypot based on Twisted.
- ⚔ ⚔ STARTED sasd
- 对 bro 源码的 plugin 实践
- ✔ DONE 对 bro 2.5 –> 2.6 script 测试和解决版本问题
- State “✔ DONE” from “⚔ STARTED”
- ✔ DONE 完成 bro-osquery 端到 bro 的所有问题
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 更新迁移 bro-pkg repo & 移除 2.6 废弃特性
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 对 samson 文档的细节一些补充和更新,已测试更新到新版本
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 实践 pdns(解决 dns 问题)–> jdbc 数据库到 elk 的查询和配置
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 修复整体架构的大量细节补充 bro-kafka 的接口和一些脚本的改写
- State “✔ DONE” from
4.2 Nov
- ✔ DONE 更新 broker 的环境和数据实现 demo 到 bro
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 更新 osquery 到 bro-pkg 以及 env 对 readme 的补充
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 解决 silk 基础环境的一些细节和补充,支持 silk 3.8 later 版本
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE Suricata 相关的扩展 evil-box 的搭建测试
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ⚔ STARTED 解决 silk 新版本 5 个扩展的使用和实践测试(基于论文和新公开的文档)[未 git commit]
15 号 git,算 11 月进度
4.3 Oct
- ⚔ STARTED GitHub - Cyb3rWard0g/ATTACK-Python-Client: Python Script to access ATT&CK content available in STIX via a public TAXII server 对刚开完的 ATT&CKcon 2018 python API 的学习和简单实践
- ⚔ STARTED GitHub - Cyb3rWard0g/ATTACK-Python-Client: Python Script to access ATT&CK content available in STIX via a public TAXII server 对刚开完的 ATT&CKcon 2018 python API 的学习和简单实践
- ⚔ STARTED wazuh/wazuh: Wazuh - Host and endpoint security 参阅 wazuh 移动&改写部分配置到 repo
- State “⚔ STARTED” from “✔ DONE”
- State “✔ DONE” from 没能测试完
- ⚔ STARTED wazuh/wazuh: Wazuh - Host and endpoint security 参阅 wazuh 移动&改写部分配置到 repo
- -
- ✔ DONE Eventing Framework - osquery
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE osquery and rsyslog(转发管理日志) 分布式部署
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE GitHub - kolide/fleet: A flexible control server for osquery fleets
- State “✔ DONE” from
using this tool for incident response and threat hunting scenarios.
- ✔ DONE Cyber Wardog Lab: How Hot Is Your Hunt Team? hreat-hunting playbooks 的一些测试
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE GitHub - mitre/caldera: An automated adversary emulation system
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE MITRE ATT&CK™ 的基础环境搭建
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE Eventing Framework - osquery
4.4 Sep
- ⚔ STARTED [#A] 更新安全监测的流程表
- ⚔ STARTED Performance testing https://github.com/ncsa/bro-simple-scan
- 对此脚本的性能测试,总结可优化点
- ✔ DONE https://github.com/salesforce/hassh
- State “✔ DONE” from
- 根据得到的数值,分类解析到安全数据 List
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 更新 elastic bro 4 个接口下的模板
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE 学习以及研究 ArangoDB 对安全数据的解析,是否更高效快捷
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE kibana plugin
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE https://github.com/JuanCarniglia/area3d_vis
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE https://github.com/dlumbrer/kbn_network[kbn_network]
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE elastalert-plugin https://github.com/Yelp/elastalert
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE Clamav 杀毒
- State “✔ DONE” from “✔ DONE”
- State “✔ DONE” from
- State “✔ DONE” from
4.5 August
- ⚔ STARTED 完成 snort suricata rules 之间转换的 demo
- ⚔ STARTED 对已有的安全标标准来分化结构已有和未来的数据格式<基于美国网络安装标准和主流安全指南>
- ✔ DONE Bro Script :补 8 月工作进度:
- State “✔ DONE” from “⚔ STARTED”
审计其他接口开源的 Bro Script 放入默认 hardened NSM 仓库
- ⚔ STARTED Broccoli Data analysis :补 8 月工作进度:
- Suricata
- ⚔ STARTED https://suricata.readthedocs.io/en/suricata-4.0.5/ 从官方文档中细化结构 check_list
- ✔ DONE Signature = malware detection
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE application detection with suricata
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE Pccap Analysis
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ⚔ STARTED https://suricata.readthedocs.io/en/suricata-4.0.5/ 从官方文档中细化结构 check_list
- Con
- ☞ TODO [#A] https://github.com/mattifestation/BHUSA2018_Sysmon
- ☞ TODO https://www.trustedsec.com/2018/05/art_of_kerberoast/ [Kerberoast
- ☞ TODO [#A] https://github.com/mattifestation/BHUSA2018_Sysmon
4.6 July
- developing
- <2018-07-24-26 Thu>
- detect System
- 2
定义一个静态 global static system OS
- http protocol
- 抓取 uri post body 的关于软件版本以及设备信息
- 抓取到的设备信息更新到 global static system OS
- 抓取 uri post body 的关于软件版本以及设备信息
- http protocol
- ✔ DONE 1 [舍弃]
- State “✔ DONE” from
- http-protocol
If (app_keyword in app_keyword_list) { if (user-agent in mobile_keyword_list) { software_type=mobile_type; } else nmap -O <target_ip> = res_OS; res_OS=c }
- 2
- detect System
- -
4.7 Jun
- ✔ DONE compare hash file http://www.malware-domains.com/files/
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE compare hash file http://www.malware-domains.com/files/
- ⚔ STARTED open protocol of the tcp for Bro script
- ✔ DONE Using SASL with librdkafka
- State “✔ DONE” from
- 思考 http://www.malware-domains.com/ 的数据动态爬取更新到数据库
- ⚔ STARTED open protocol of the tcp for Bro script
- -
- 测试思考采用的流程
- 测试开源框架
- ✔ DONE evebox https://evebox.org/
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE https://github.com/StamusNetworks [确定采用部分配置和代码]
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE evebox https://evebox.org/
- 测试脚本组件
- ✔ DONE http://justinazoff.github.io/netflow-indexer/configuration.html#example-configuration-files
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE https://github.com/JustinAzoff/flow-indexer
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE http://justinazoff.github.io/netflow-indexer/configuration.html#example-configuration-files
- 测试思考采用的流程
- ✔ DONE
- State “✔ DONE” from “⚔ STARTED”
- ⚔ STARTED Basci Suricata rules
- Message and Content
- Header
- Metadata and PCRE
- ✔ DONE Bro script -files-exploitkit [developing] FILES
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE Filter-Bro-protocol-files
- State “✔ DONE” from
- ✔ DONE Bro-protocol-dns–> detect-dynamic dns domains DNS
- State “✔ DONE” from “⚔ STARTED”
- -
- <2018-06 -01 Fri>-